Outdoor Plants That Even You Can’t Kill


  Purple Rain Desert Rose No, it’s not only music superstar Prince’s magnum opus, it’s also a gorgeous species of sage properly named Salvia Verticillata. This border flower can accentuate any garden, and they even attract butterflies! These smoke-colored lavender-like plants only need moist soil to grow, and do best in full sunlight. Desert Rose […]

Weeds We Love to Eat, Alberta Edition


Don’t forget to floss your teeth, clean behind your ears and…eat your weeds? Weeds may have a bad reputation when it comes to lawn care, but there are many weeds that are well worth eating! During your next peaceful walk through the forest make sure to bring a reusable container and collect these delicious weeds– […]

Good Landscape Design and the Importance of Trees


  Trees will be the largest elements of most landscaping projects, and it is important to give these denizens of the landscape the respect and care they deserve.  Part of this consideration is arranging those trees properly, in order to provide both the healthiest trees and the most spectacular views. When designing the new landscape, […]

What is the Point? Why Coniferous plants have a place in our gardens


Every fall we say goodbye to another season of beautiful flowers and perennials.  With the on set of fall, we see five months of dreary snowy blah.  If you have laid out your garden with careful planning, you may be able to create some interesting textures and colours from the bark colour of shrubs and […]

Fruit Trees in Alberta


One of the most common requests we get from clients is to include an apple tree in their yard.  More often than not what they mean is they would like to have an edible plant.  Most people do not realize that there are so many more options than just apple trees that you can grow […]